Saturday, February 28, 2009


We've needed new pillows for our couch for over a year now. I loved our old pillows but they got holes in them and we all know what happens when kids are around and something has a hole it.

I knew we needed pillows with a zipper so the pillow covers could be removed and washed. The only thing is I always forgot to get the zippers while at the fabric store. So a few weekends ago I went to Wal-Mart specifically to get zippers. The closest fabric store that carries zippers is about 45 mintues away and Wal-Mart is just a 10 minute drive and luckily our local Wal-Mart is still carrying fabrics and crafts. I had this green square fabric for awhile and bought it specifically for the pillows. The fabric was on sale and I bought what was left on the bolt which gave me just enough for the pillows with a few scraps of it left. The pillows look good on the couch and have already had a lot of use, but I would really like to find a fabric that I love and that has more umph to it. But for now they'll do.

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